Friday, July 31, 2009

Liberating the Entrepreneurial Spirit

Liberating the entrepreneurial spirit, which I equate to liberating our innate leader, requires more than building entrepreneurship education, mentoring, and networking systems. Without a doubt these are vitally important but are secondary to connecting individuals with their spirit that longs to express its true purpose in the world.

It is the spirit that drives the entrepreneurial engine. Entrepreneurs often feel alone, misunderstood and struggle in bringing about the change they want to see in the world because they are unaware of what drives them and what their spirit is here to express. They fail to see the deeper thread of spirit’s expression that runs through all their ideas and creations over a lifetime, irrespective of them knowing their innate purpose on a conscious level or not.

When entrepreneurs connect with their innate purpose and align and integrate it into all parts of their lives we see a shift from microentrepreneurialism to macroentrepreneurialism that serves all of humanity.

According to Susan Davis, founder of BRAC USA

“The key challenge in cultivating an entrepreneurial culture globally
is figuring out the best ways to unleash the potential of all people to
innovate, create, catalyze, be resourceful, solve problems and take
advantage of opportunities while being ethical.”

I make a distinction between unleashing the potential and unleashing our true purpose. When we connect with our spirit we unleash our purpose and the full potential of expressing that purpose in the world through authentic living and leading. We tap into an infinite source of creativity and innovation related to the expression of our true purpose. We access our inner wisdom and are guided through intuition and synchronicities on a large scale. The question of ethics doesn’t even enter the discussion when we are living our purpose. It is a given. What our spirit is here to express has global impact and at its highest level serves to heal our planet and restores peace.

Start looking for the deeper thread of your spirit’s expression in your everyday life.